There are currently three boiler scrappage schemes in operation. These are run by the UK government, Npower and British Gas and each scheme offers a £400 rebate against the cost of a new boiler.
The good news is that if you qualify for the government boiler scrappage scheme as well as the British Gas or Npower scrappage scheme, you can combine the government rebate with a British Gas or Npower rebate so you could get a total of £800 off the cost of a new A rated boiler.
The bad news is that the government have allocated funds to serve only 125,000 households under the scheme, whereas there are 4.5 million households that could benefit from the scheme.
How to apply for the boiler scrappage scheme
1. The first step that you need to take is to note down the make and model of your current boiler and check the energy rating using our boiler energy rating tool. You can find the tool on the left hand side of the page. Simply select the manufacturer of your boiler from the drop down box and click on your boiler model.
To qualify for the government or British Gas boiler scrappage scheme, the boiler must have an energy rating band of G or worse or have a SAP rating of less than 70%.
To qualify for the Npower boiler scrappage scheme your boiler must be over 10 years old.
To qualify for all schemes, the boiler must be in full working order and used as the primary boiler to heat your home.
2. Research the new boiler that you would like as a replacement. We would recommend that you read the Which? best buy boiler report. Which? is an impartial and unbiased consumer reviews company that has produced a report reviewing 52 of the most common boilers on the market and provided best buy ratings. We have teamed up with Which? to offer you the best buy boiler report for just £1. Get the report by clicking here.
3. If your old boiler qualifies, you will need to obtain a quote from a boiler installer before you can claim your boiler scrappage allowance rebate. You cannot claim your £400 rebate unless you have received one or more boiler quotes.
We recommend that you receive a free quote from Npower so that you could combine the £400 rebate they offer with the £400 offered by the government.
Get a boiler installation quote from Npower
4. If you have completed the first three steps you are now ready to make your boiler scrappage scheme application.
To apply for the government boiler scrappage scheme you need to make sure that you have the following details to hand:
i) Your full name.
ii) The address of the property you wish to claim the boiler scrappage rebate voucher for.
iii) The make and name of the boiler being scrapped.
iv) The company name, address and contact details of the installer carrying out the work.
v) The type of replacement boiler to be installed e.g. gas, biomass.
vi) Confirmation that you have received a quote or visit from the installer to carry out the work.
Once you have all the information, you should contact the Energy Savings Trust by phone on 0800 512 012 in order to claim the £400 boiler scrappage allowance from the government.
The government scrappage scheme has now ended. Please choose from one of the scrappage schemes provided by British Gas or Npower instead.
To apply for the Npower boiler scrappage scheme you should click here
To apply for the British Gas boiler scrappage scheme you should click here
PLEASE NOTE: The UK Government scrappage scheme budget has been exhausted due to an overwhelming response, but providers such as British Gas (see below) and NPower continue to offer their own similar incentives and discounts and as a result you can still make enormous savings when replacing your old boiler.